
I took this photo while relaxing one evening

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Success!  This weekend was mostly good than bad! On Friday I spent a great night with my friend Jonathan! We never cease to have a great day together.  And then later in the night a bunch of us went to Bob's Diner to eat a late night breakfast!  I FINALLY got to hang out with my friend Rod who I missed very much!  However, Saturday was a good day!  Calisa came down and we got to hang out.  Plus the KU vs Kstate game was on at six and KU dominated.  Amen for Thomas Robinson.  He did a great job and I'm sure many people were happy to see him play well.  I received some sad news after the game that made me pretty sad, but I know that things will all be well again.  Just takes faith and hope in that good things come to good people eventually.  Waiting sucks, but it will happen.  After I composed myself, I got ready to hang out with Calisa that night and meet some new people.
We ended up going to a house party where I met a really cool chick.  She and I are very much alike which is probably why we got along so great.  She's hilarious!  I also met her boyfriend and some other people that ended up being pretty neat and I'm sure I will keep in contact with them!  But if I had to choose, today was the best day of the weekend.  Cali and I woke up and got ready for the day.  We then went to eat lunch at McCalisters and caught up and talked again just by ourselves.  It was really relaxing.  After lunch we went to the mall and found ourselves in the bookstore.  Not good.  We love reading and we love books! We got this really cool book called the encyclopedia of birthdays.  It pretty much explains a persons personality and their destiny in life according to their birth date.  Mine was dead on.  It said my biggest challenge is saying no.  Its true, I can't say no to people because I like to make people happy.  Then we walked around the mall and Cali spent a shit load of money.  We got some protein shake stuff for working out.  Yay weight loss!  Gotta get in shape for spring break! :) It was just an overall great weekend.  Nothing out of the ordinary happened but it was fun.  Then this evening my roommates and I played the game Just Dance on the wii.  It was very entertaining and that's an understatement!  Then we went to Olive Garden and came home!  And now here I sit when I should be doing homework.  Which I will do after I do a little more dancing!

Until next time

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