
I took this photo while relaxing one evening

Friday, January 21, 2011


Today is Friday and while most people are excited for the weekend so they can relax, I'm dreading tonight because I'm saying goodbye to my brother.  He is in the national guard and is going to Africa for a whole year.  It's not like where he is going is going to be dangerous, his worst enemy is going to be the malaria, but I am scared nonetheless.  He is an upstanding citizen who went to extra mile to support his country. He has already been to Kosovo for a year and Iraq for 8 months.  He does this with pride and I love him for all of his sacrifices.  
Tonight is his going away party and I hope it all goes peacefully.  One thing that has never been peaceful in our lives is our father.  Matthew didn't grow up living with me, he lived with his mom and step dad and I lived with our dad and my mom.  Our father wants to go tonight and may have found a ride, but needless to say, Matthew does not really want him there.  He only wants to be there when its convenient for him and makes him look good which is selfish beyond a doubt.  I love my father.  I love my brother.  But they do not love each other.

On a lighter note...

Things here in the Little Apple have been white.  It snowed a great deal and the elementary schools were cancelled.  Due to the weather I got to nanny and be excused from my classes.  I'll take nannying over school any day of the week, especially if snow ball fights are involved.

It is now time for me to get ready for work.  Until next time

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